Best Practices to Provide Great Customer Service in Your Health Club

As the owner or manager of a health club, your main concern should be providing great customer service for your members. As we’ve discussed in past blogs, you should have information on all levels of your team that allow you to be immediately responsive to feedback you receive. This allows you to grow and create a great customer service experience for your members. Once major place to get this feedback is through a customer experience platform, such as MXM.

In addition to gathering information, successful fitness club management is using the customer experience platform to implement best practices into their company culture. Here are four best practices health club management is using to provide great customer service to their members.

See yourself as the customer sees you

Don’t just stand behind the desk and look out. Instead, take a (sometimes hypothetical, sometimes literal) step out from behind the desk to see how you and your team are handling various scenarios from your members’ perspective. Gaining insight from a customer management software  can help here by gleaning real-time feedback from your members! 

Wire the customer into every decision

You’re in the customer service industry as a fitness club. Your goal should always be about making the customer happy and excited. When you make decisions, be it about cost of membership or what machines to purchase next, make sure you wire the members and their wants into the decision. 

Embrace accountability at all levels

Your health club is made up of teams: the front desk team, the personal training team, the sales team. These smaller teams make up the staff at your fitness center. Each of these teams need to be streamlined to do their job better, which betters the overall organization. These team-level metrics, which should be provided by your customer experience platform, will also increase accountability on a small-scale, and help create goals for improvement for the individuals and teams. 

Innovate and improve continuously

So you’ve stepped out from behind the desk and heard what your members have to say. But what good is data if you don’t know what to do with it? Your customer engagement platform should help take your fitness club or gym to the next level with a plan to continually improve the customer experience.  

Are you ready to get started with a customer engagement software that will help you provide great customer service? Contact the team at MXM to learn more.

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The best way to learn more about how the Member Experience Management Platform can transform your club is by experiencing it for yourself.
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