Innovate on 'Codes of Conduct'


Hi, Blair here with MXM, back a little bit on customer experience and some tools for you to use to help build a more member-centric culture. With the new rules, as I call them, the new rules of member conduct and the need for our teams to make sure that conduct is taking place, you know, I’m not a guy that likes a lot of policies, I like to give people some broad guidance and have them use their intellect to do the right thing. But it is clear coming out of this that there is a new code of conduct that we are going to be asking of our members and likely having them sign things like COVID-19 waivers and codes of conduct.

For instance, to be a member here, these are the things that you have to do. That means policy which also means policing. If you have a policy, you have to police it. Long before this, I would take front lines through an exercise like this: you take a front desk team, remove whoever has oversight and then ask the team, “Tell me what policies, you are asked to enforce, that feel personally embarrassing to you.” I’ve done this activity a handful of times and in one instance, they named 12 policies that they were asked to enforce that felt kind of embarrassing to them. I’m not saying I have an answer for this, I’m just saying it is a worthy exercise to do. Especially in light of the fact that we have new things that we are going to have to police and enforce.

One that would come up frequently is holding a driver’s license of a guest who’s coming in to work out – which I think is an important policy for many reasons. Maybe having to be the “collections agency” for the company but if they don’t stop them who does, I get that, but there are other ways to do it. The point of the exercise is not to argue with the policy, and you can do this with every single department, just ask "what are the policies that we are asking you to uphold that make you feel queasy?" Write those down and figure out a way to make those more member-centric if possible and still serve the business. More member-centric and certainly easier for your teams. That will make their lives easier it will make them more member-centric. And in light of all the new things that we are going to be asked to do, I think this is an incredibly important exercise.

Make your list and start to innovate. This is where innovation happens. Let’s find a new way to get that job done for the business. That’s it, hopefully you are opening, we’ll be opening in a couple of weeks. Stay distant, stay active, stay safe!

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