Top Member Feedback Themes


Hi, Blair here with MXM and one of the things that we’re seeing in the tens of thousands of pieces of feedback that we’re looking at since this COVID-19 issue started, is four main themes. First is, how much the member believes that you are following expert practices for cleaning and sanitizing. How would they know that? Well you tell them and you communicate very well about it. The second theme is how easy you make it to clean and sanitize equipment before and after the member uses it? Remember don't just have stuff available but make it easy to clean and sanitize.

Next theme is how easy you make it for people to sanitize their hands anytime they are working out. Again, not just available but easy. Here is one of our hand sanitizing stations. We’ve always had a bunch of these around but we’ve never had the signs on them. We realized that being black on black they don’t show up very well so we put a lot of signage on those. Following expert practices, make it easy to clean equipment before and after use, and make it easy to sanitize hands. The last theme is how happy they are with how you handle dues during the shutdown. We’re learning more and more that a lot of clubs are able to keep their dues on if they’ve delivered a great customer experience and if they are giving them something during the shutdown. All of us have had people say, don’t stop drafting my dues, use it to pay your employees. There are some issues with how are you gonna make sure that’s what it’s used for. Make sure your wording is good on that.

So, those are the themes and in my next video I’m going to tell you about how you can, during this shutdown, optimize so that when people come back, they feel that you are doing a great job on all of those things. That’s it!

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