Message To The Fitness Industry


Hi! You guys know me as the CEO of MXM, but you also know that I’m a club owner and have been a club owner for almost 40 years. In those 40 years, there have been other crises. For instance, the 2008 financial crisis. We barely made it through that crisis. I know the sleepless nights. I know the three am wakeup, having to get up and move just to feel like you are taking action to do something to save your business. You will go through three phases. It’ll go through Survival first. Then that will move into “how do I optimize this time that we’re down”? And then I want you to think about accelerating out of this and the welcome party that you are going to throw for your members when they come back in. 

We’ll be here for you. Lean on those that have been through crisis before. We have information to share, there are mentors out there in this business. Lean on them. We’re here for you, we will get through this. You’ll get through this.

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