Your New Value Added Program


Hi, Blair here with MXM. I wanna give you some insight that I’ve gotten from looking at all the shutdown responses coming in from clubs all over and I would couch it like this, your cleaning and sanitizing processes is the new value-added programing. In other words, you know, you have programming like body pump, Zumba, hot yoga, whatever those are, they all add value and if you can bundle your new technologies, um, chemicals, processes, expectations...if you can bundle all of that in to something that you can brand, which is what we’re doing at our clubs; (and I’m not gonna tell you how we’re branding ours, just yet, until we try to trademark it), but think of it as your own system, brand it, and get out there and sell it as the new value-added program. Remember this, cleaning and sanitizing processes, technologies, practices, all bundled into something and communicated well under a single name will be your new Value-Added programming that the consumers want. Stay distant, stay active, stay safe!

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