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Hi, Blair here with MXM. We've been talking about how to improve the Member Experience, and oh, by the way, that will help improve your Net Promoter Score but focus on the Member Experience. The inputs of that are the innovations and incremental improvements that you do to all of your policies, processes, people-practices, programs etc. We've been talking about our Member Experience Manual because this is our bible in our daily operations. I've been talking about some of the things we give the front lines so that they can kind of be free to create. Alright, we want to make sure we are engaging their heads and hearts so that they can create a great member experience and be agile in doing that. The idea here is that you customize the experience for every member that comes in and yes, you can do that, given the right sort of institutional logic.
I've been talking bout our Freedom and Obligations, there are nine of them. We've talked about the first one, I'm just trying to give context in case you haven't seen the other videos. First one is that you are free to do anything to make the member happy and you are obligated to stay within our principles and values. Two was you are free to challenge any process, policy or system but you are obligated to use the ones that we have. In other words if you challenge it and we approve it and adopt it, that becomes our new system.
Number three is about helping. You are free to ask for help, so if you are overwhelmed, if you are not sure what to do, you are absolutely free to ask for help. You are obligated to help others. That seems obvious but I want you to think of these in the context of bringing them to life in management and leadership and how much that helps when you can sit down with somebody and talk to them about each freedom and obligation. Just say, Ok in that scenario, what we're finding is that you ask for a lot of help but you don't provide a lot of help. Sometimes that might be covering other shifts. You might have those scenarios where somebody asks for a lot of shift coverage but when it comes time to cover someone else's shift it doesn't happen a lot, then you can pullout your freedoms and obligations and discuss it. You are going to find that most coaching opportunities live within those. We have nine of these and we'll roll through each of them.
We also have a lot of documentation on these when we are actually training on it. That's it for now. This is all about how to improve the member experience. A lot of it is about how much freedom you can give your front lines to be creative and to craft a great member experience for every single person that comes in. Our reopen feedback system is free, available to anyone in the industry. Just visit us at I will see you on the next one!
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