Hi, Blair here with MXM. Been taking you through our member experience manual that we use for our two clubs up here in Central Washington, WORX of Wenatchee Valley. WORX stands for Work Out Prescription and some of the concepts in the experience manual. The idea behind concepts is that if you can adapt a concept that is more education than it is training and education allows me then to apply concepts, principles, core values in abstract ways and make sense of a VUCA moment (Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, Ambiguity). It allows me to sort of quickly make sense of that and know how to act and what to do in those situations and therefore more personalize the experience for every member which is the goal. To provide a personalized experience for every member. So I'm going to introduce you to the worst acronym in the world, I swear, we call it TPIFOMIM. It's a true story.

I learned of a gal who had a bank over on the west side, Seattle area, who had just won a referral contest. Well when a health club owner hears that you kind of want to know what's going on. So I arranged to have a phone call with her and on the call I said, ok, how did they communicate where you were in the referral contest. And it was a regional referral contest with maybe 10-20 banks involved. She said, well, they didn't communicate with me where I was. I said, so you didn't know if you were in first place or second place and how things were going during the contest? She said, "I didn't even know there was a referral contest going on!". I asked her how she referred so many people then and she said that she just loved what she did. I started to drill down on that and asking her all kinds of questions like what are you really passionate about? Checking accounts? She said no, I'm just passionate about helping people. We really didn't get anywhere, we had a GREAT conversation and I learned a lot about this person who was really passionate about helping others. Then we hung up.

About an hour later, my phone rings and it's her and she says, "I have not been able to get this out of my mind, I'll tell ya what it is...". "The person in front of me is me." I asked her what she meant by that and she said well just last week, we were about 5 minutes from closing and we had this person pull up in the handicapped section and it's this man who is about 75 years old with his 99 year old dad, helping him out of the car to come in and do their banking. The young man at the teller station next to me, who was in college at the time, rolled his eyes and said, "ugh, God." She said, close your doors, you are not taking them, I've got them. And she went on to explain that all she could think about was her being the 99 year old man walking through the door and seeing somebody who looked at him as though he was a burden. She said, what I'm in the habit of doing is not saying "treat others how I want to be treated"...I'm a 40 year old female who is comfortable in a bank. The person in front of me is me. I put myself through their eyes, what did it feel like to be a 99 year old man shuffling through the door and see a young person look at him as though he was the biggest burden for him trying to get to his cocktail hour.

That's our story in our member experience manual, TPIFOMIM, The Person In Front Of Me is Me, when we tell that story when we are onboarding people, it's amazing how much that sticks with people for years and years and years. That's it, more on the member experience manual later. Hope your reopen is going great. Remember, MXM has a free Reopen Feedback System for you to use as you are reopening. I'm telling you, the information and data you get is phenomenal! Take care.

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The best way to learn more about how the Member Experience Management Platform can transform your club is by experiencing it for yourself.
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