Tracking COVID-19


Hi there, Blair here with MXM. It's a little different topic today. We've created reporting system for reporting your total checkins since you've reopened. Then if you have to shut down again, you'll have record of all your checkins while you were open and also the number of COVID-19 cases that you can document.

If a member calls and says, I've tested positive and I worked out there on Monday, that of course counts. If an employee says they have COVID-19 and they are quarantining, those cases need to be recorded which is likely required by your state. We did the first round of this and out of about 135 locations,3.4 Million checkins, there were only 131 documented COVID cases and that was .0002% so I've tested the reporting with my own round table, they graciously jumped right in and immediately that percentage is remaining tight. What we are hoping to do is collect from more states. If someone calls us and says their governor is interested in statistics for their state, we want to be able to say, here is the data just for your state.

So, we are going to start to make that reporting public over the next few days and ask you to jump in. You'll get some instruction from us on how to do that. This is just to ask everyone to please participate. It will be completely anonymous, the only thing we are asking for is the company name but only to prevent duplicates from coming in, like multiple people reporting from the same company. That data will not be used and will be scrubbed completely. Then we are going to aggregate that data by region, state, and country. We are then going to release that data out to the industry as it starts coming in and hopefully get a louder and louder and louder voice out there. 3.4 million visits and only 131 cases, you know I'd love to say, "120 million visits there were only 1300 cases". We really want to get people to take notice of those clubs that are really putting things in place to protect their members.

That's it for now. You'll get more from us later on this. Thank you.

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