Five 9's Winners: See the Top Performing Clubs of 2023!
Hi Blair here with MXM. Here is what our latest data points are as of last night when we recompiled our data on the visits to virus ration. We've now recorded 8.9 Million member checkins across 1,003 clubs from 20 states. That has yielded 394 cases of COVID, not necessarily occurring in those clubs but that is when the department of health calls a club and says we are tracking a case of COVID then the club is supposed to record that. That's the information we are asking them to report in. A case in every 22,600 check ins and that occurrence rate is a .004%. So what I would call the Visits to Virus ration is 22,600:1. We need more clubs to report. This could help our entire industry and if officials ask you if this is a peer reviewed study, but it should be that's why we are compiling this data. So that someone can actually come in and look at this and understand why fully opening other retail and other service businesses while keeping clubs closed is the opposite action of what policy makers should be doing.
When they come into clubs like yours/ours and see what you've done to protect your customers, the customers that you depend on for your recurring revenue....we are trying to get their attention with these numbers. PLEASE go to and click on the Visits to Virus Registry, sign up and then you will get an email immediately linking to the report, your data will be anonymous but we need the data. I want some of the big companies to report in, if you don't want to enter it there, contact me we'll take a deidentified spreadsheet and we'll upload ourselves as a batch but we really need more data. We want to have this for all 50 states.
It's easy to do, if you've been open, if you are open, if you've been open and are shutdown have data that we need. It's super easy to do and something that you can do to help our entire industry. Thank you very much. Visits to Virus Ratio.
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