The Governor's Task Force is Listening!


Hi, Blair here with MXM. Don't you wish we could all just be doing business? I mean I wish my clubs were open and we could have people in. I wish at MXM, we were just out there talking to you, post IHRSA and talking to you about using technology and strategy to build loyalty in running an Operational Member Experience Management Platform. I know all of you wish you could be opening new Gym's and signing new LOI's and just getting out there and doing business. But we're not. It's important that we do what's needed, not what we want to do necessarily.

A couple weeks ago, we started a WA Fitness Alliance, I said that the fitness industry here got a bit of a death sentence when the guidance came down that we are going to roll back in this state and only allow 5 people in the building, no matter the size of the building. Fortunately, we have very active and influential members on our board of the Fitness Alliance and in our membership base. I was very pleased....and they are following what our strategy is, we are not going to sue, we''ll be here, we are going to be assertive, but our voices are going to be heard and we'll be reasonable.

Well, we DID assert ourselves. I have to say that the Governer's task force listened. I got word at 3:30 from one of the members of the task force indicating that we have been heard. "There will be no change in the fitness guides today but we are considering the things that you guys have brought forth." I want to thank the Alliances that have come before us. Those alliances that I got to talk to that helped a lot in this. I don't know what we are going to might not be great. But I do know this, they are listening and what the industry needs right now is participation from all of the operators and vendors. We need participation in the form of helping alliances stand up and beware on this, we can't have a vendor trying to sponsor 50 alliances equally. We all have to be respectful of everyone's balance sheet, not just our own. We have to be respectful of the vendors balance sheets, we have to be respectful of our customer balance sheets and we have to figure out a way to do this together.

If you are not in an alliance, look for one. If you are a leader in your state, these alliances need to stand up long after COVID goes away and be a respected voice for our industry within each state. Alliance leaders need to work together within regions or countries overall. And we need to list our industry standards overall. People that buy into alliances need to operate at a higher standard.

It's not always what we want to do, it's what we need to do, as leaders. Whether it's in your company or what your company needs. And right now we don't have companies, unless it's what our industry needs. So I'm calling on everybody to participate. One way you can participate is by going to and click on our Visits to Virus Ratio at the top of the home page. We are trying to build that up. All we are interested in is reality. How many total checkins have you had since you opened. How many COVID cases have you had, not necessarily cases that started in your club but indicated by a member or employee. Make sure you are tracking that stuff, by the way.

That's it. I implore everybody to get involved. Treat your competitors with respect, treat those vendors with respect. We all need to make it out the other side of this and say well, that was good for our industry.

Thank you!

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