How Clean Safe are Your Gyms? No Better Way to Find Out Than to Ask Your Members

Rebuilding memberships is the top priority of operators today, and Cleanliness has become a top priority for members. Yes, cleanliness always has been important, but it’s even more important in 2021.

If you’re a gym operator, do you know if your gym is clean? No, like, really. Is it clean? The guess is you’re saying Yes. Perhaps a better question here … Do your Members think your gym is clean?

What you and your team think about clean vs. what your members think about clean are two different things.

Members are becoming increasingly intolerant of a lack of cleanliness in gym facilities, but you won’t know that until you ask.

“We are excited about how clean the club is because prior to Covid our Medallia cleanliness score was 9.2 out of 10, and now we're at a 9.8. So we've actually improved in our members’ eyes, which is a good thing." says Lisa Gorsline of Corpus Christi Athletic Club. 

Listening to and engaging with members is the key to Operational Excellence, and the feedback you receive can be acted upon to consistently improve your Member Satisfaction and Loyalty. 

Pulling in real-time feedback from your members is possible … and it’s EASY. Data shows that members appreciate being asked for their opinions on important matters such as these.

If you’re a gym operator and want to learn more about how the MXMetrics platform can work for you and your member base, click HERE to set up a session for discovery.

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