Reset of the Fitness Industry


Hi there. Blair McHaney here, CEO of MXM, trying to make sure that a lot of you around the country are getting more Myzone effort points than I am. Last night was announced that the efforts that were put in place 15 days ago, will stay through at least April 30th. Here is what that means for the fitness industry. If you are in total lockdown, you are going to probably be there until sometime after April 30th. If you are not in total lockdown, you are probably going to be and then you’ll probably get extended past that time depending on what’s happening in your area.

This is a once in a lifetime opportunity to get data that you will never have the opportunity to get again. This is a reset in the fitness industry. Right now, you need to be getting feedback from all of those members that are sitting at home. We know what those themes are around COVID-19 going into this. What’s important to the customer. You must have a handle on that, get a measurement of it, get their voice, understand what’s most important to them when you reopen.

We’re offering our Shutdown Survey for free. We’ll get you set up, you’ll have all the reporting, I don’t care if you have one location or a thousand. This is a free service, we don’t want your data, there is no charge and after this, you can shut it off. You NEED the data and you’ll be able to understand their fears, their concerns, the things that they loved that you did going into this, the things they didn’t like. You can adjust and start to optimize. You can move from just trying to survive this to optimizing this down time. There is a cost to this downtime but you can get ROI on it but you better do it with the voice of customer at your side. Contact us please. look for the free COVID-19 Shutdown Survey, we’ll get you set up within days, you’ll be able to collect feedback, I promise there we’ll be insights that you would never believe you would get. Thank you very much. Stay strong.

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