Five 9's Winners: See the Top Performing Clubs of 2023!
Blair here with MXM. I got asked, when you are running an operational member experience management program, should you respond just to your detractors or to everyone?
It depends on your organization, the best practice is to respond to everybody and we have a lot of recommendations on how to set that up so that it’s a light lift and not a big task every day. And also, if you are running an operational member experience management program than you are getting enough information in to make it worthwhile but also not so much that you can’t manage it every day. It helps to really have great data integration.
So, when asked if one should just respond to detractors, I would say, what if somebody is a promoter and not only did they give you a 10 on likelihood to recommend but also a 10 on likelihood to continue. Or perhaps they have a group fitness staff friendliness score of 10 and they are having a great experience. Then they write you a paragraph and in that paragraph, they have a couple of issues from their experience. Now they’ve given you great scores but big deal, they are expressing a different feeling now. When you look at that, what if that person has also been a member for 10 years, refers people in frequently and has spent $10,000 with you in the last year? That’s why you have to take these things in context. That is certainly someone that you should engage with and it’s important to have great data integration and to have a very good operational member experience program.
As you come out of this shutdown and clubs are reopening. I think we have about 160 to 170 clubs that are now launched on our reopen feedback system which is free to anybody in the industry. It’s really interesting to look at what people were fearful of in the shutdown and as they are coming into the clubs and seeing changes, they are thrilled and really showing the love... at least for those clubs that really executed changes relevant to what the member fears were as they were sitting at home.
The reopen feedback system is free to anybody, check it out at and in the meantime, I hope your reopen is very successful and if you are still closed, I hope you get to reopen safely soon! Take care, stay distant, stay active, stay safe.
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