WATCH: "The Money Framework," Part 2: Money on the Table

What is Money on the Table?

Money on the Table consists of the identification of broken processes that lead to long-term, sustainable change.

➡️ 💵 Bigger picture ideas on how to drive process improvements that correlate to increases in revenue generation. 💵 ⬅️

We couldn't think of a better guest than EoS Fitness Member Experience Director Keith Elliott to join us for Money on the Table.

WATCH: Part 1 - Money on the Ground

In Part 2, MXMetrics CEO Blair McHaney and VP of Customer Success Jenny Hymer talk with Keith about how he utilizes Root Cause Analysis to drive long-term, sustainable change across EoS Fitness locations.

The group also will dive deeper into the cause and effect of process change while demonstrating how Member Feedback influences revenue and culture.

READ: The Money Framework

If you haven't already made Member Experience a priority at your club, now is the time to start - and we're here to help.

MXMETRICS will provide you the tech solution needed to solicit and intake member feedback while also giving you the step-by-step direction needed for you to find 💵 MONEY 💵 in your Member Experience.

To learn how MXM+ can help you find the Money in Your Member Experience, CLICK HERE.

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